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Healthcare in Low-resource Settings is an open access, peer-reviewed journal which aims to publish high-quality, outcome-based research conducted in or applicable to low-resource settings. Potential topics of interest are also: comparison of different medical procedures in terms of their effects on healthcare resources; education of health professionals in rural areas; strategies to formulate effective health policies in those areas, and guidelines targeted specifically to them; advances in healthcare resource management. Healthcare in Low-resource Settings publishes Research Articles, Reviews (narrative, systematic and meta-analysis), Case Reports, Debate Articles, Short Reports, Letters to the Editor, and Study Protocols. The Journal also publishes thematic issues focusing on a single topic within its scope.

New Articles

  • Analysis of family roles in infant and child feeding based on sociocultural factors and family functions

    Annif Munjidah, Elly Dwi Masita, Hinda Novianti, Uke Maharani Dewi, Norhaini Majid, Noraini Hashim
    PDF: 68
  • The effect of the Aksi Bergizi program on hemoglobin levels in adolescent girls at a junior high school

    Sumiati Sumiati, Viky Indra Yanti
    PDF: 64
  • Dual method P6 acupressure to overcome nausea and vomiting during early pregnancy

    Tuti Meihartati, Leny Suzana Suddin, Zatul Akmar Ahmad
    PDF: 76
  • The effectiveness of community-led total sanitation cadre intervention in improving stunting knowledge and behavior

    Dedi Mahyudin Syam, Andi Bungawati
    PDF: 67
  • Exploring outside-in empowerment approach to improve the family's ability to manage schizophrenia disorder

    Wahyu Endang Setyowati, Nursalam Nursalam, Hanik Endang Nihayati, Dwi Indah Iswanti, Nia Agustiningsih, Intan Rismatul Azizah
    PDF: 126
  • The effect of providing multi nutrient functional biscuits on the nutritional status of malnourished toddlers

    Nadimin Nadimin, Hijra Asikin
    PDF: 107
  • Obesity indices may affect and reflect the blood glucose and lipid profile values

    Islam AL-Shami, Anfal Al-Dalaeen, Lana M. Agraib, Buthaina Alkhatib
    PDF: 105
  • Evaluation of the impact of vitamin D on blood pressure in patients with diabetes mellitus

    Muhammad Khalif Alghifari, Mira Delima Asikin, Sari Eka Pratiwi , Suriadi Jais
    PDF: 160
  • Impact of nutrition mentoring by dietetic students on knowledge, dietary intake, and nutritional status in pregnant women with chronic energy deficiency in South Sulawesi

    Nadimin Nadimin, Hijrah Asikin
    PDF: 161
  • Exploratory study of factors influencing fraud in the national health service in Buton Islands from a hexagon model perspective

    Andi Yaumil Bay R. Thaifur
    PDF: 145
  • Enhancing adherence to diet therapy and fluid restrictions in hemodialysis patients: a study using the information-motivation-behavioral skills model

    Zulhikmah S Hi Arsan, Elly Lilianty Sjattar, Rosyidah Arafat
    PDF: 241
  • Analysis of structured discharge planning implementation for discharged inpatients: a multicenter study

    Candra Dewi Rahayu, Ika Purnamasari, Fifi Alviana, Dwi Ari Wibowo, Haeril Amir
    PDF: 207
  • Exploring the relationship between self-stigma and resilience among people living with HIV: a cross-sectional study

    Ahmad Ikhlasul Amal, Tintin Sukartini, Ninuk Dian Kurniawati, Sofyanudin Sofyanudin, Retno Setyawati
    PDF: 194
  • Early diagnosis of stroke risk factors in high school students in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

    Muhammad Awal, Darwis Durahim, Andi Halimah, Hasbiah Hasbiah, Arpanjaman Arpanjaman, Agus Supriatna, Fahrul Islam, Muh Ikbal
    PDF: 228
  • Improvement of the method of diagnostics and treatment of injuries and diseases of the maxillofacial region

    Andrei Tsoi, Abdyrakhman Eshiev, Nursultan Kurmanbekov, Daniyar Eshiev, Nazgul Myrzasheva
    PDF: 213
  • Professional satisfaction of practitioners in psychiatry departments

    Beata Strzelecka, Katarzyna Wisniewska, Anna Pacian
    PDF: 246
  • Evaluation of the therapeutic potential and safety of Al Hayat black cumin seed oil: an observational study

    Bekzhan Turabekov
    PDF: 198
  • Innovations in cancer diagnosis and treatment: prospects and challenges

    Katarzyna Wisniewska, Ervin Marku, Martina Vidova Ugurbas, Ilona Hartmane, Malika Shukurova
    PDF: 243
  • Mothers’ breastfeeding techniques and its correlation to their infants’ nutritional status: a study in a rural area

    Nopi Nur Khasanah, Andini Eka Sari, Iskim Luthfa, Kurnia Wijayanti
    PDF: 235
  • Distribution of the pattern, incidence, and determinants of sexually transmitted infections among patients attending Adari Hospital, Hawassa City, Sidama Region, Ethiopia

    Melese Birmeka, Damtew Bekele
    PDF: 159
    HTML: 6
  • Sociodemographic correlates of dietary habits among university students of health sciences in Kosovo

    Naim Jerliu, Haxhi Kamberi, Iris Mone, Drilon Zekaj, Pranvera Krasniqi, Genc Burazeri
    PDF: 132
    HTML: 5
  • Distribution of episodes of kidney diseases admitted at the University Hospital Center “Mother Teresa” in Tirana, Albania, during the period 2010-2023

    Marsida Duli, Qamil Dika, Elizana Petrela, Genc Burazeri
    PDF: 252
  • Health information use and the associated factors among public health facilities of the Sidama Zone, southern Ethiopia: a facility-based cross-sectional study

    Melaku Getahun, Keneni Gutema Negeri
    PDF: 245
  • Nursing competency model for nurse manager in hospital: a scoping review

    Inggerid Agnes Manoppo, Enie Novieastari, Hanny Handiyani, Tuti Nuraini
    PDF: 279
    Supplementary Materials: 186
  • Readiness of nursing students for clinical practice: a literature review

    Oswati Hasanah, Rr Tutik Sri Haryati, Dessie Wanda, Nur Agustini, Masfuri Masfuri
    PDF: 827
    Supplementary Materials: 192
  • Maternal and neonatal referral system in rural North Lampung: a qualitative study of referral system readiness

    Lisa Suarni, El Rahmayati, Kodri Kodri
    PDF: 251
  • Various interventions during follow-up care of low birth weight infants: a scoping review

    Riri Novayelinda, Yeni Rustina, Rr. Tutik Sri Haryanti, Fajar Tri Waluyanti
    PDF: 242
    Supplementary Materials: 192
  • Phenomenology study: the nurse perception of experience in providing spiritual nursing care in the cardiovascular unit

    Safri Safri, Elly Nurachmah, Budhi Setianto, Jahja Umar, Sri Yona
    PDF: 229
  • Self-reported practices of sepsis and septic shock among health care providers working at intensive care units at tertiary hospitals in Jordan

    Saleh Al Omar, Jafar Alasad Alshraideh , Islam Oweidat, Sajeda Alhamory
    PDF: 196
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  • The amount of DNA and RNA in primary cancer cells and their metastases

    Oleksandr Herasymenko, Kostyantyn Gerasymenko, Olha Herasymenko
    PDF: 242
  • Socioeconomic disparities in children's posture defects: a comparison between private and public educational institutions

    Lukasz Kolodziej, Sebastian Kwiatkowski, Magda Gebska, Ireneusz Walaszek, Karolina Skonieczna-Żydecka
    PDF: 260
  • Management and prevention of emotional burnout among members of the armed and special forces

    Liliia Semenenko, Uzef Dobrovolskyi, Stanislav Petrenko, Maria Yarmolchyk, Oleksii Ishchenko
    PDF: 333
  • Practical experience of allergy to egg proteins clinical manifestation

    Maria Zofia Lisiecka
    PDF: 220
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  • Assessing sexual-abuse prevention knowledge and related factors among adolescent girls with intellectual disabilities in Padang: a cross-sectional study

    Arif Mansur, Meri Neherta, Lili Fajria, Ira Mulya Sari, Yelly Herien, Mutia Farlina, Putri Dwi Rusmayanti
    PDF: 209
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  • Enhancing mental well-being in coronary heart disease patients: the impact of integrated spiritual care and murottal auditory therapy on reducing anxiety and depression

    Aris Citra Wisuda, Tukimin Bin Sansuwito, Citra Suraya, Rusmarita Rusmarita, Dian Emiliasari
    PDF: 248
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  • New aspects of immunological risk factors in the treatment of recurrent pregnancy loss

    Gultakin Aliyeva, Samangul Tarverdiyeva, Matlab Ibrahimov
    PDF: 309
  • Thirty second chair stand performance is associated with six-minute walk test among postmenopausal women: inference from a cross-sectional study among women from India

    Hina Vaish, Digvijay Sharma
    PDF: 263
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  • Application of foot massage therapy to reduce pain scale of elderly with rheumatoid arthritis

    Nadi Aprilyadi, Rachmad Aprilio, Wulan Martalina, Zuraidah Zuraidah, Wahyu Dwi Ari Wibowo
    PDF: 207
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  • Enhancing the knowledge and skills of health cadres and mothers to prevent developmental disorders through stimulation interventions

    Ningsih Jaya, Ambo Dalle, Sri Anggriani
    PDF: 58
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  • Relationship between peer conformity and reproductive health maintenance behaviours among early adolescent girls in Islamic boarding schools

    Peni Perdani Juliningrum, Lantin Sulistyorini, Layinatul Qoriah, Ira Rahmawati, Nuning Dwi Merina
    PDF: 72
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  • Examining the relationship between health literacy and quality of life in patients with coronary heart disease: a quantitative study at a cardiology clinic

    Lita Lita, Nadila Khairiyah, Agnita Utami, Silvia Nora Anggreini, Faridah Mohd. Said
    PDF: 190
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  • The effectiveness of HIV/AIDS education models for adolescents with speech disabilities

    Dedes Fitria, Sri Wahyuni, Elin Supliyani, Fauzia Djamilus, Ari Kurniarum, Sri Sumarni
    PDF: 199
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  • The effect of family empowerment on hemoglobin levels in pregnant women

    Ika Mardiyanti, Aldilia Wyasti Pratama, Lailatul Khusnul Rizki, Esty Puji Rahayu
    PDF: 126
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  • HIV incidence, knowledge, attitude and practices of HIV/AIDS and antiretroviral therapy use in HIV-infected patients at Debre Elias district, North West Ethiopia

    Melese Birmeka, Damtew Bekele, Megabi Anteneh
    PDF: 137
    HTML: 9
  • Prevalence and correlates of complementary and alternative medicine utilization among infertile women attending selected fertility clinics in Khartoum state

    Masani Elmahdy, Faiza Ali Nasor
    PDF: 124
    HTML: 5
  • Set of heart failure early mortality prevention methods

    Boguslawa Serzysko, Renata Mroczkowska, Beata Podsiadlo, Boguslawa Kupczak Wisniewska
    PDF: 320
  • Impact of gibberellin-regulated protein allergy on quality of life

    Maria Zofia Lisiecka
    PDF: 9
    HTML: 0
  • Multidisciplinary nursing practice in a low-resource setting in Southeast Brazil

    Bruno Henrique Souza Izidório, Kátia Eliane Santos Avelar, Flávia dos Santos Lugão de Souza, Patricia Maria Dusek, Agnaldo José Lopes
    PDF: 114
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  • Hospital brand image and trust leading towards patient satisfaction: medical tourists’ behavioural intention in Malaysia

    Tham Noi Fook, Low Mei Peng, Yeong Wai Mun
    PDF: 353
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