Search Results
Found 57 items.
Serum Response Factor in muscle tissues: from development to ageing
1870PDF: 1053HTML: 309 -
Frailty: future prospectives in rehabilitation medicine
767PDF: 520HTML: 12 -
Stem cells and tissue niche: two faces of the same coin of muscle regeneration
2034PDF: 947HTML: 724 -
Effect of physical activity on long COVID fatigue: an unsolved enigma
1311PDF: 452HTML: 40 -
FES in Europe and beyond: Current Translational Research
1463PDF: 854HTML: 401 -
Dirk Pette, remembered for his pioneering muscle research
420PDF: 211HTML: 1 -
Culture conditions influence satellite cell activation and survival of single myofibers
1395PDF: 653APPENDIX: 326HTML: 124 -
Chemotherapy-induced muscle wasting: an update
2185PDF: 1147HTML: 159 -
The chronic effects of eccentric exercise interventions in different populations: an umbrella review
2007PDF: 1084Supplementary Materials: 69HTML: 38 -
Exercise-mediated reinnervation of skeletal muscle in elderly people: An update
18662PDF: 14122HTML: 261 -
Assessing muscle architecture with ultrasound: implications for spasticity
924PDF: 449Supplementary materials: 21HTML: 5