The chronic effects of eccentric exercise interventions in different populations: an umbrella review

Submitted: 14 September 2022
Accepted: 23 September 2022
Published: 21 October 2022
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The effectiveness of eccentric exercise interventions (EEI) has been extensively explored in different populations. The aim of our umbrella review was to combine all systematic reviews about the chronic efficiency of EEI and to summarize the literature on the chronic effects of different types of eccentric exercise protocols, with or without extra loads and devices (e.g., Flywheel device), compared to other therapeutic interventions, exercise interventions, or no intervention. We screened four major electronic scientific databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and PEDro), using one combined string for all included databases (eccentric exercise OR flywheel OR isoinertial exercise OR eccentric training). Included reviews needed to be based on any human population, that executed EEI in comparison with any other type of intervention. The methodological quality of the included reviews was assessed using AMSTAR 2 tool. Considering the inclusion criteria, we included 35 reviews. EEI were found suitable for chronic or long-term pain reduction in patient populations. EEI largely improved muscle performance (muscle strength, and muscle power), muscle architecture (e.g., pennation angle, fascicle length, cross-sectional area, muscle thickness, and muscle mass), decreased risk of injury, incidence, and severity of the injury, and increased range of motion of the joints There is less evidence about the effects of EEI in older adult populations, compared to athletes and younger populations, however, eccentric exercise seems promising for these populations as well.



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How to Cite

Križaj, L., Kozinc, Žiga, Löfler, S., & Šarabon, N. (2022). The chronic effects of eccentric exercise interventions in different populations: an umbrella review. European Journal of Translational Myology, 32(4).