Search Results
Found 60 items.
Perception of burnout syndrome among nurses providing nursing care in the emergency room at a hospital in Riau Province
Published: 7 March 2024933PDF: 384HTML: 4 -
The relationship between personality type and fulfillment of basic needs with the FoMO Syndrome among adolescents in East Java
Published: 7 March 2024368PDF: 172HTML: 0 -
Management and prevention of emotional burnout among members of the armed and special forces
Published: 9 August 20241227PDF: 367HTML: 1 -
Practical experience of allergy to egg proteins clinical manifestation
Published: 9 August 2024820PDF: 234HTML: 1 -
Impact of gibberellin-regulated protein allergy on quality of life
Published: 27 May 20241015PDF: 17HTML: 0 -
Analysis of determinants of infertility among women at in vitro fertilization clinic in Surabaya
Published: 1 July 2024422PDF: 112HTML: 2 -
The impact of the Le-Diabet application on self-efficacy and blood glucose levels in diabetes mellitus patients
Published: 1 July 2024327PDF: 116HTML: 0 -
Socioeconomic disparities in children's posture defects: a comparison between private and public educational institutions
Published: 22 August 2024699PDF: 287HTML: 0 -
The effects of brown rice as functional food on Lee Index, adipose tissues and PRDM16 levels in obesity model Rattus norvegicus
Published: 9 September 2024971PDF: 301HTML: 62 -
Early detection of the risk of chronic kidney disease based on eating and drinking behaviors in Kendari City Indonesia
Published: 30 January 2024343PDF: 172HTML: 4 -
Examining the relationship between health literacy and quality of life in patients with coronary heart disease: a quantitative study at a cardiology clinic
Published: 3 July 2024525PDF: 202HTML: 1 -
Value of biochemical markers in predicting outcome of COVID-19 infection in University Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt
Published: 8 June 20231696PDF: 387HTML: 17 -
Compliant strategies to contain coronaviruses amidst the inconveniency of social distancing
Published: 6 July 20231127PDF: 263HTML: 10 -
The antiviral properties of edible medicinal plants: potential remedies against coronaviruses
Published: 19 June 2023765PDF: 316Supplementary Materials: 28HTML: 28 -
Sex differences in long-term outcomes of patients with percutaneous coronary intervention: the Armenian experience
Published: 24 September 20131615PDF: 1254HTML: 237 -
New aspects of immunological risk factors in the treatment of recurrent pregnancy loss
Published: 8 August 2024929PDF: 330HTML: 0 -
Professional satisfaction of practitioners in psychiatry departments
Published: 10 October 2024642PDF: 274HTML: 0 -
Self-reported practices of sepsis and septic shock among health care providers working at intensive care units at tertiary hospitals in Jordan
Published: 30 August 2024612PDF: 200Supplementary materials: 0HTML: 1 -
The effectiveness of booklets on family knowledge of diabetes mellitus patients about the management of hypoglycaemia
Published: 7 December 2023482PDF: 246HTML: 4 -
Nurses' experiences regarding nursing competence in the isolation wards during COVID-19 pandemic
Published: 18 January 2024558PDF: 191HTML: 17 -
Distribution of the pattern, incidence, and determinants of sexually transmitted infections among patients attending Adari Hospital, Hawassa City, Sidama Region, Ethiopia
Published: 27 September 2024303PDF: 177HTML: 7 -
The effectiveness of risperidone on PANSS score and IL-6 in confirmed COVID-19 schizophrenic patients
Published: 22 July 2024653PDF: 231 -
Set of heart failure early mortality prevention methods
Published: 28 May 20241066PDF: 343HTML: 0 -
Prevalence of MLSB Phenotypes of Staphylococcus aureus isolates in a tertiary care hospital of Delhi
Published: 15 June 20231072PDF: 339HTML: 24 -
Stem cells of the maternal milk allow a better development of lactating newborns
Published: 30 May 2024284PDF: 146HTML: 5 -
Helicobacter Pylori infection and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Is there a relationship?
Published: 22 June 20231588PDF: 393HTML: 17 -
Evaluation of the therapeutic potential and safety of Al Hayat black cumin seed oil: an observational study
Published: 9 October 2024649PDF: 221HTML: 0 -
Bay leaf decoction water and low-impact aerobic exercise impact on blood cholesterol levels
Published: 10 October 20231978PDF: 461HTML: 14 -
The effect of spiritual emotional freedom technique impact to pain in cervical cancer post-chemoradiation: a review article
Published: 22 July 2024382PDF: 172HTML: 8 -
Dark chocolate as a non-pharmacological alternative to reduce dysmenorrhea in adolescents
Published: 21 November 20231283PDF: 546HTML: 29 -
Analysis of human resources needs in the outpatient registration unit using the Analisis Beban Kerja Kesehatan (ABK Kes) method
Published: 21 March 2024320PDF: 148HTML: 17 -
Illness duration and quality of sleep among people living with HIV: a cross-sectional study
Published: 25 March 2024266PDF: 117HTML: 2 -
The relationship between food quantity and diversity with stunting incidence in Indonesia
Published: 24 November 2023612PDF: 295HTML: 66 -
Post-polio eradication: vaccination strategies and options for India
Published: 12 November 20142311PDF: 999HTML: 863 -
Factors associated with anxiety and depressive symptoms among Indonesian adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study
Published: 14 December 2023774PDF: 252HTML: 9 -
Effectiveness of the SETIA (Self Empowering Woman, Empathy, Trust, Intimate and Affection) program in enhancing exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia
Published: 3 July 2024278PDF: 111HTML: 1 -
Epidemiologic and clinical characteristics and outcomes of burn patients in Kurdistan Region: a one-decade large retrospective cross-sectional study
Published: 8 February 2024835PDF: 232HTML: 7 -
The effectiveness of hyperoxygenation in preventing oxygen desaturation in intubated infants treated with endotracheal suctioning
Published: 9 September 2024554PDF: 201HTML: 79 -
Public health and research funding for childhood neurodevelopmental disorders in Sub-Saharan Africa: a time to balance priorities
Published: 15 January 20142118PDF: 1210HTML: 298 -
Exploring the primary health facility availability, health control, drug consumption, and healthy living behavior among patients with hypertension
Published: 11 January 2024813PDF: 236HTML: 7 -
Analysis of diarrhea incidence based on demographic characteristics and hygiene behavior of adults in Indonesia and Taiwan
Published: 9 September 2024264PDF: 86HTML: 55 -
Enhancing self-care in elderly patients: the impact of WhatsApp reminder messages at the Heart and Vascular Center
Published: 16 July 2024287PDF: 98HTML: 2 -
Anti-biofilm properties of clover honey against Candida albicans
Published: 16 February 2024504PDF: 243HTML: 14 -
Determinants of maternal near-miss among women admitted to public hospitals in the Hadiya zone, central Ethiopia: a case-control study
Published: 4 June 2024315PDF: 160HTML: 5 -
Qualitative C-reactive protein as a marker of neonatal sepsis in a tertiary neonatal unit in Sudan
Published: 9 October 20131437PDF: 1336APPENDIX: 722HTML: 589 -
Analysis of the link between stress and cancer: implications for patient support
Published: 27 May 20241111PDF: 345HTML: 0 -
Nursing student perspectives on clinical instructor performance
Published: 20 October 20231631PDF: 460HTML: 733 -
Effectiveness of pineapple and papaya leaf combination for dysmenorrhea pain relief in mice (Mus musculus)
Published: 23 February 20241649PDF: 256HTML: 21