Perception of burnout syndrome among nurses providing nursing care in the emergency room at a hospital in Riau Province

Submitted: 15 September 2023
Accepted: 1 February 2024
Published: 7 March 2024
Abstract Views: 537
PDF: 230
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The demands to nurses in the Emergency Room (ER) can lead to stress, potentially causing Burnout Syndrome. This may diminish the effectiveness of the nursing care provided to patients. This study aimed to explore the experience of Burnout Syndrome among nurses in the ER using a descriptive qualitative research design. Ten nurses from the ER participated in the study. All participants provided consistent answers, leading researchers to conclude data saturation through purposive sampling. In-depth interviews with a semi-structured format were conducted for data collection, and the Collaizi technique was employed for analysis. Findings revealed that nurses exhibited signs of Burnout Syndrome, such as physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion, while providing patient care, attributing this to the substantial workload.



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How to Cite

Lastari, R. F., Sari, G., Sari, S. M., Erianti, S., & Rajunitrigo, R. (2024). Perception of burnout syndrome among nurses providing nursing care in the emergency room at a hospital in Riau Province. Healthcare in Low-Resource Settings.