The effect of deep-frying and pan-frying methods on the organoleptic properties, protein, and calcium content of presto milkfish floss (Chanos chanos)

Submitted: 12 September 2024
Accepted: 20 November 2024
Published: 23 December 2024
Abstract Views: 317
PDF: 31
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This study investigates the impact of deep-frying and pan-frying processing methods on the sensory characteristics, protein content, and calcium levels of presto milkfish floss (Chanos chanos). A pre-experimental study design was employed using a randomized block design, with data analyzed through unpaired t-tests and the Mann-Whitney test at a 95% confidence interval. Significant differences were observed in the acceptability of the floss regarding color, taste, and texture (p<0.05). In contrast, no significant difference was found in aroma (p>0.823) between the deep-fried (A1) and pan-fried (A2) samples. The post-hoc analysis revealed that deep-fried presto milkfish floss (A1) achieved the highest overall acceptability regarding color, taste, aroma, and texture. The deep-fried variant (A1) was preferred by the panelists and met the fish floss quality standards set by SNI 7690-1-2013. This variant was characterized by a yellowish-brown color, enhanced taste due to higher oil content, which determines the number of double bonds that will accelerate the oxidation rate, and a crunchier texture resulting from reduced moisture content, which also slowed microbial growth. The aroma was deemed pleasant and consistent with the ingredients used. Chemical analysis showed that the deep-fried presto milkfish floss (A1) contained 20.6 g of protein and 115.7 mg of calcium per 100 g. This composition contributes approximately 103% of the daily protein requirement and 17.8% of the daily calcium requirement for children aged 2 years.



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How to Cite

Kusumawati E, Candriasih P, Astati A. The effect of deep-frying and pan-frying methods on the organoleptic properties, protein, and calcium content of presto milkfish floss (<i>Chanos chanos</i>). Ital J Food Safety [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 23 [cited 2025 Feb. 13];14(1). Available from: