Frequency, serotyping, antibiogram, and seasonality of Salmonella isolated from red meat markets

Submitted: 27 March 2024
Accepted: 23 April 2024
Published: 4 June 2024
Abstract Views: 4258
PDF: 83
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Bacterial pathogenic strains are as adaptable as Salmonella strains and cause diverse intestinal and extraintestinal diseases in humans and other mammals worldwide. Red meat and its products are important hosts for many zoonotic diseases. This work was designed to investigate the frequency, serotypes, and antimicrobial resistance profile of isolated Salmonella spp. in red meat (cattle, sheep, and goats) sold in Dhamar Governorate, Yemen. A total of 250 red meat samples were collected from the retail seller market between July and December 2022. All samples were transported immediately to the laboratory, subcultured on selective enrichment agar, and identified by serotyping and antimicrobial susceptibility tests via disk diffusion methods. The results indicated 26 positive samples of Salmonella out of the 250 samples (10.4%). Notably, isolates belong to ten various serotypes: S. Typhimurium 19.2%, S. Anatum 15.4%, S. Newport 11.5%, S. Enteritidis 11.5%, S. Muenchen 11.5%, S. Infantis 7.7%, S. Montevideo 7.7%, S. Dublin 7.7%, S. Senftenberg 3.9%, and S. Arizona 3.9%. The antibiotic resistance profile revealed that 57.5%, 53.9%, and 53.9% of isolates are resistant to erythromycin, tetracycline, and norfloxacin, respectively. This resistance among Salmonella spp. suggests a significant threat to health, which will in turn require an active safety measure and response. On the other hand, the seasonal variations “August and July” were found to be associated with an increased frequency of Salmonella isolation.



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How to Cite

Almashhadany DA, Mohammed SH, Mala SF, Ahmed Odhah MN, Jalil Ahmood AA. Frequency, serotyping, antibiogram, and seasonality of <i>Salmonella</i> isolated from red meat markets. Ital J Food Safety [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 4 [cited 2024 Oct. 25];13(3). Available from: