Official controls on traditional and ethnic butchers: evidence gathered to improve food safety

Submitted: 30 December 2022
Accepted: 24 July 2023
Published: 1 September 2023
Abstract Views: 1081
PDF: 187
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Regulation 2017/625 allows and encourages the use of rating schemes as a means to increase transparency in the agri-food chain. Since its implementation, a need for greater fairness, consistency, transparency, and objectivity in official controls has been reported by member states. The present study compares the results of inspection activities concerning food hygiene principles in ethnic and traditional butcheries. The sample consists of 50 food business activities randomly selected from traditional and ethnic butcheries subject to official control in Turin from January to June 2019. Our objectives were to evaluate the degree of awareness and training of food business operators (FBOs) and to compare the written records drawn up by the competent authorities (CAs) during official inspections to evaluate their completeness and uniformity. The presence of old equipment is a common finding in both traditional and ethnic butchers. This could lead to ineffective cleaning operations and inappropriate functioning, which in turn could lead to a dangerous loss of control over products’ temperatures. Ethnic butchers showed a higher number of non-compliances for documentary examination, the presence/correctness of self-control plans, and management aspects such as by-product disposal and personnel hygiene. Training is the key point for both CAs and FBOs; inspectors must maintain their professionalism but also adhere to harmonized and intellectually supported criteria, and FBOs must prevent improper behavior. Eventually, we propose strategies to increase the efficacy and homogeneity of records, together with suggestions on how to implement training both for consultants and operators.



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How to Cite

Bonifacino G, Traversa A, Nucera D, Bervini R, Bruatto G, Coruzzi E, Gilli M, Mendolicchio A, Osella E, Rubinetti F, Stassi E, Biglia C, Civera T. Official controls on traditional and ethnic butchers: evidence gathered to improve food safety. Ital J Food Safety [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 25];12(4). Available from: