Monitoring of polyphosphate levels in animal source products collected in Italy by means of ion chromatography with suppressed conductivity detection

Submitted: 21 December 2022
Accepted: 27 February 2023
Published: 30 August 2023
Abstract Views: 1035
PDF: 193
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Polyphosphates (PPs) constitute a class of food additives widely used due to their ability to exercise different useful activities. The food safety concern about the use of PPs in food is both the possible non-declared addition and some health effects, such as bile duct stones, decrease in oligo-element absorption, and allergic reactions in susceptible people. In this study, an analytical method based on ion chromatography with conductivity detection was applied for the detection and quantification of PPs in 238 samples of animal-derived products such as meat, dairy, and fish products. A contribution to risk assessment was also included. The monitoring confirmed the absence of non-compliant results. All concentrations of PPs were indeed lower than the legal limits set in European Regulation No. 1333/2008. Moreover, no residue of PPs was detected (> limit of quantification: 0.09 g kg-1) in samples where it was not reported on the product label. No PPs were detected in mollusks, meat-based preparations, semi-ripened, unripened, and spun paste cheese, while they are widely used in surimi, with concentrations in the range of 0.1-0.5 g kg-1. The highest concentrations were quantified in a würstel sample (4.7±0.3 g kg-1) and a spreadable cheese sample (8.9±0.7 g kg-1). Considering that the high exposure scenario together with a very susceptible population group (toddlers) were taken into account for this risk exposure study and that the highest admissible daily intake obtained was equal to 10.4%, the assessment demonstrated that the actual use of PPs in food does not pose a risk for food safety.



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How to Cite

Berardi G, Di Taranto A, Haouet N, Vita V, Palomba E, Rizzi G, Iammarino M. Monitoring of polyphosphate levels in animal source products collected in Italy by means of ion chromatography with suppressed conductivity detection. Ital J Food Safety [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 30 [cited 2024 Oct. 25];12(4). Available from: