Search Results
Found 143 items.
Utility of uroflowmetry during the follow-up of children affected by balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO)
Published: June 30, 20181751PDF: 680 -
Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) guided prostate biopsy: Three different types of local anesthesia
Published: December 30, 20161737PDF: 1168 -
The preoperative serum ratio of total prostate specific antigen (PSA) to free testosterone (FT), PSA/FT index ratio, and prostate cancer. Results in 220 patients undergoing radical prostatectomy
Published: March 31, 20162009PDF: 836SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 321 -
Ureteroscopy in pregnant women with complicated colic pain: Is there any risk of premature labor?
Published: December 31, 20172193PDF: 1043 -
Pathology outcomes in patients with transurethral bladder tumour resection in a Turkish population: A retrospective analysis
Published: March 31, 20181118PDF: 708 -
Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of the bladder: A case report.
Published: July 4, 20161544PDF: 1066 -
HER-2 immunohistochemical expression as prognostic marker in high-grade T1 bladder cancer (T1G3)
Published: June 24, 20131744PDF: 1647 -
Contrast enhanced ultrasound in the assessment of urogenital pathology
Published: December 30, 20142242PDF: 1297 -
Unusual case of locally advanced and metastatic paratesticular liposarcoma: a case report and review of the literature
Published: March 31, 20151998PDF: 1243 -
Rare case of intra-testicular adenomatoid tumour
Published: March 28, 20141614PDF: 1403SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 763 -
Effect on prostatic specific antigen by a short time treatment with a Curcuma extract: A real life experience and implications for prostate biopsy
Published: June 30, 20182270PDF: 788 -
Influence of secondary diagnoses in the development of urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy
Published: March 31, 20171585PDF: 1013 -
Primary melanoma of the bladder: Case report and review of the literature
Published: September 30, 20181805PDF: 1003 -
Cryotherapy for low risk prostate cancer, oncological and functional medium term outcomes: A three center prospective study
Published: June 30, 20171947PDF: 1115 -
Metastasis of the epididymis and spermatic cord from pancreatic adenocarcinoma: A rare entity. Description of a case and revision of literature
Published: March 31, 20181731PDF: 744Supplementary Material: 282 -
Verruciform xanthoma of the penis: A rare benign lesion that simulates carcinoma
Published: December 30, 20162018PDF: 1160 -
Diagnostic-therapeutic pathway for small lesions of the testis
Published: December 30, 20141421PDF: 699 -
Primary pure carcinoid tumour of the testis: A case report and review of the literature
Published: October 5, 20161626PDF: 1064SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 414 -
Diagnostic ultrasound-guided excisional testicular biopsy for small (< 1 cm) incidental nodules. A single institution experience
Published: December 30, 20141582PDF: 817 -
HER2/neu expression status of post BCG recurrent non-muscle-invasive bladder urothelial carcinomas in relation to their primary ones
Published: May 30, 2023850PDF: 353 -
Explorative surgery for acute scrotal pain: The importance of patient age, side affected, time to surgery and surgeon
Published: October 5, 20161865PDF: 1177 -
Is it possible to predict the need of inguinal lymphadenectomy in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the penis? A clinical and a pathological study
Published: March 31, 20151975PDF: 888 -
Diabetes mellitus and prostate cancer metabolism: Is there a relationship?
Published: September 30, 20182132PDF: 848 -
Different patterns of pelvic ureteral endometriosis. What is the best treatment? Results of a retrospective analysis
Published: December 30, 20162480PDF: 1500 -
Perivascular epithelioid cell tumor (PEC-ome) of the prostate: Ultrasound feature in case report
Published: December 30, 20141500PDF: 729SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 555 -
Henoch-Schönlein purpura without systemic involvement beginning with acute scrotum and mimicking torsion of testis
Published: April 19, 20133141PDF: 1871 -
First case of bilateral, synchronous anaplastic variant of spermatocytic seminoma treated with radical orchifunicolectomy as single approach: Case report and review of the literature
Published: March 28, 20141754PDF: 1428SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 915 -
Testicular germ cells tumors in adolescents and young adults: Management and outcomes from a single-center experience
Published: September 30, 2021921PDF: 350 -
Partial nephrectomy in horseshoe kidney: Primary carcinoid tumor
Published: December 31, 20171117PDF: 742 -
The degree of satisfaction of women undergoing surgical repair of prolapse, compared with clinical and urodynamic findings
Published: March 31, 20161455PDF: 961 -
Immunohistochemical expression of androgen receptors in urothelial carcinoma of urinary bladder. Is it significant? Experience from coastal India
Published: November 15, 2023591PDF: 245 -
How do vegetable oils (hazelnut and canola) affect the reproductive system in male rats?
Published: March 31, 20181488PDF: 1851 -
One step nucleic acid amplification (OSNA) for detection of lymph node metastasis during robotic radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer: A pilot study
Published: September 26, 20221440pdf: 433 -
Vaginal metastasis of bladder urothelial carcinoma: Description of a case and revision of literature
Published: June 30, 20171127PDF: 1103 -
Smoking, diabetes, blood hypertension: possible etiologic role for Peyronie’s disease? Analysis in 279 patients with a control group in Sicily
Published: March 31, 20152512PDF: 1343 -
The sufficiency of 6 core sextant prostate biopsy in patients with prostate specific antigen (PSA) values over 20 ng/mL
Published: June 30, 20181429PDF: 507 -
Five-year prospective study on cardiovascular events, in patients with erectile dysfunction and hypotestosterone
Published: December 31, 20171945PDF: 1271 -
Adenomatous hyperplasia of the rete testis: A rare intrascrotal lesion managed with limited testicular excision
Published: October 5, 20161517PDF: 923 -
Robotic perineal radical prostatectomy with high prostate volume
Published: March 31, 20181265PDF: 677 -
Malignant mesothelioma of tunica vaginalis testis: Report of a very rare case with review of the literature
Published: September 30, 20181982PDF: 1061 -
Painful bladder syndrome/interstitial cystitis: Aetiology, evaluation and management
Published: June 30, 20144513PDF: 2035 -
May ultrasound probe size influence pain perception of needle piercing during transrectal prostate biopsy? A prospective evaluation
Published: October 5, 20161339PDF: 960 -
Evaluation of various active surveillance protocols in prostate cancer
Published: June 30, 20141760PDF: 770 -
Cellular senescence in testicular cancer. Is there a correlation with the preoperative markers and the extent of the tumor? An experimental study
Published: March 4, 2024440PDF: 200 -
Endometriosis localized to urinary bladder wall mimicking urinary bladder carcinoma
Published: September 30, 20141870PDF: 793 -
Cognitive zonal fusion biopsy of the prostate: Original technique between target and saturation
Published: December 30, 20162146PDF: 1198 -
The histology and the proapoptotic control in the ipsilateral and the contralateral testes following unilateral vasectomy
Published: September 30, 20151528PDF: 778 -
Accuracy of 3 Tesla pelvic phased-array multiparametric MRI in diagnosing prostate cancer at repeat biopsy
Published: December 30, 20142280PDF: 1531