Pax7 reporter mouse models: a pocket guide for satellite cell research

Submitted: 11 December 2023
Accepted: 13 December 2023
Published: 18 December 2023
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Since their discovery, satellite cells have showcased their need as primary contributors to skeletal muscle maintenance and repair. Satellite cells lay dormant, but when needed, activate, differentiate, fuse to fibres and self-renew, that has bestowed satellite cells with the title of muscle stem cells. The satellite cell specific transcription factor Pax7 has enabled researchers to develop animal models against the Pax7 locus in order to isolate and characterise satellite cell-mediated events. This review focuses specifically on describing Pax7 reporter mouse models. Here we describe how each model was generated and the key findings obtained. The strengths and limitations of each model are also discussed. The aim is to provide new and current satellite cell enthusiasts with a basic understanding of the available Pax7 reporter mice and hopefully guide selection of the most appropriate Pax7 model to answer a specific research question.



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How to Cite

Ortuste Quiroga, H. P., Fujimaki, S., & Ono, Y. (2023). Pax7 reporter mouse models: a pocket guide for satellite cell research. European Journal of Translational Myology, 33(4).