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Found 31 items.
Transmission rate factors among tuberculosis patients in West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Published: 17 November 2023501PDF: 298HTML: 15 -
Incremental detection of pulmonary tuberculosis among presumptive patients by GeneXpert MTB/RIF® over fluorescent microscopy in Mwanza, Tanzania: an operational study
Published: 26 June 20151616PDF: 778HTML: 880 -
Room sterilization using ultra violet lamps in reducing the air germs number of tuberculosis patients’ house
Published: 7 December 2023590PDF: 243HTML: 117 -
Monitoring medication adherence using smart digital technology in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis
Published: 5 June 2024315PDF: 126HTML: 0 -
Advocating contribution of private sector in fighting tuberculosis in India
Published: 15 December 2014825PDF: 531HTML: 159 -
Identification of new cases of tuberculosis during the COVID-19 pandemic using model strategic management
Published: 9 February 2023729PDF: 246 -
Distribution of the pattern, incidence, and determinants of sexually transmitted infections among patients attending Adari Hospital, Hawassa City, Sidama Region, Ethiopia
Published: 27 September 2024274PDF: 164HTML: 6 -
A systematic review on telenursing as a solution in improving the treatment compliance of tuberculosis patients in the COVID-19 pandemic
Published: 9 February 20231292PDF: 421 -
Color coding: a tool to enhance the quality of health care in low resource settings
Published: 16 December 20145110PDF: 1678HTML: 9951 -
Disinfection: an indispensable tool in controlling outbreaks in low-resource settings
Published: 25 August 2014792PDF: 751HTML: 165 -
Family factors associated with immunization uptake in children aged between twelve and fifty-nine months: a household survey in Kakamega Central district, Western Kenya
Published: 30 May 20163201PDF: 964HTML: 2168 -
Examining the onset and cessation patterns of active smoking among college students: an interpretative analysis
Published: 9 September 2024124PDF: 94HTML: 1 -
Factors affecting immunization coverage in urban slums of Odisha, India: implications on urban health policy
Published: 9 October 20135911PDF: 1996HTML: 3377 -
Implementation of public health practices in tribal populations of India: challenges and remedies
Published: 31 January 20138178PDF: 3041HTML: 4596Cover Letter: 0ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest: 0 -
Clinical manifestation and microbial profiling of recurrent MDR microorganisms associated with head and neck infection- a retrospective study
Published: 11 August 2023730PDF: 278HTML: 5 -
Barriers to the importation of medical products to Russia: in search of solutions
Published: 10 June 20131995PDF: 1499HTML: 316 -
Willingness and professional motivations of medical students to work in rural areas: a study in Alexandria, Egypt
Published: 20 March 20131739PDF: 1256HTML: 870 -
Factors affecting individual beliefs associated with the quality of life of traditional divers in the coastal area
Published: 17 November 2023576PDF: 208HTML: 5 -
The effect of family empowerment on hemoglobin levels in pregnant women
Published: 3 July 2024318PDF: 129HTML: 0 -
Improving healthcare value: integrating medical practitioners into hospital design in developing countries
Published: 8 June 2023779PDF: 309HTML: 42 -
The impact of the Le-Diabet application on self-efficacy and blood glucose levels in diabetes mellitus patients
Published: 1 July 2024309PDF: 111HTML: 0 -
Impact of gibberellin-regulated protein allergy on quality of life
Published: 27 May 20241001PDF: 12HTML: 0 -
The importance of a patient’s background in formulating a management approach
Published: 9 October 2013913PDF: 1154HTML: 129Figure 1: 0 -
The effect of light massage and Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique interventions on blood pressure among hypertension patients in Indonesia
Published: 1 July 2024337PDF: 104HTML: 0 -
Integration of mental healthcare into primary healthcare in Lagos, Nigeria: the way forward
Published: 12 October 20152046PDF: 930HTML: 1290 -
Increased knowledge through video-based dental health promotion: exploring the impact of new habits adaptation
Published: 18 April 2024337PDF: 141HTML: 1 -
The public health and economic consequences of unintended pregnancies in South Africa
Published: 7 July 20152976PDF: 1141HTML: 1311 -
Pityriasis versicolor: host susceptibility in relation to IL-10 and IFN-γ cytokine gene polymorphism
Published: 23 June 20231158PDF: 336HTML: 31 -
Behavioral prevention of HBV transmission in urban communities toward global elimination of hepatitis in 2030: a systematic review
Published: 16 April 2024559PDF: 235Supplementary Materials: 19HTML: 7 -
Compliant strategies to contain coronaviruses amidst the inconveniency of social distancing
Published: 6 July 20231122PDF: 260HTML: 10
1 - 31 of 31 items