Is it possible to safely increase the number of patients classified as non-urgent in triage? A prospective observational study

Submitted: 2 October 2023
Accepted: 11 December 2023
Published: 19 January 2024
Abstract Views: 1482
PDF: 439
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Triage systems, calibrated to discriminate acute conditions, seem unable to deal with minor non-urgent conditions. The aim of the present study to verify whether some level 4 priority codes can be safely declassified to level 5 priority codes. A prospective observational study was performed between 1° October 2022 to 31° March 2023. All patients with a code 5 according to the Manchester Triage System (MTS) were compared with patients with a priority level 4 code but with a general indicator that was downgraded to a code 5 after the triage nurse's assessment. Of the 2032 patients enrolled, 58.6% were part of the 'blue from MTS' group while 41.4% were part of the 'blue after re-evaluation' group. There was no statistical difference in the rate of hospitalisation and discharge between the two groups (p=0.928). There was also no difference between the two groups in the comparisons of short- and medium-term death. This study highlights the need to rethink strategies to declassify patients through MTS, especially given the continuous increase of non-urgent patients presenting in the ED.



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How to Cite

Zaboli, A., Sibilio, S., Mian, M., Brigo, F., & Turcato, G. (2024). Is it possible to safely increase the number of patients classified as non-urgent in triage? A prospective observational study. Emergency Care Journal, 20(1).