Evidence-based imaging for the management of lower back pain in the emergency department: A narrative review

Submitted: 16 February 2022
Accepted: 14 June 2022
Published: 27 June 2022
Abstract Views: 2073
PDF: 331
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Patients often present to the emergency department with nonspecific complaints of lumbar back pain. Because of the nature of the emergency department, the lack of knowledge or time on the part of providers, and the high levels of quick decision making, unnecessary imaging studies are often ordered to provide care for the patient’s emotional and perceived physical needs. This narrative review will present a hypothetical typical standardized case of a patient presenting with lower back pain, examine the current evidence and recommendations from the major ruling bodies in internal medicine, neurology, neurosurgery, and radiology, evaluate the major statements released by the Choosing Wisely campaign, and finally, present a new diagnostic decision tree for the management of lumbar back pain.



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How to Cite

Akkihal, K., Adams, E. C., Khan, S., Jafri, F., Taboada, J., & Varkey, T. (2022). Evidence-based imaging for the management of lower back pain in the emergency department: A narrative review. Emergency Care Journal, 18(2). https://doi.org/10.4081/ecj.2022.10413