From the Padua Muscle Days, the Basic and Applied Myology and the European Journal of Translational Myology to the A&CM Carraro Foundation for Translational Myology
Published: 20 September 20171166PDF: 715HTML: 293
Original Articles
Morphological peculiarities of neuromuscular junctions among different fiber types: Effect of exercise
Published: 27 June 20171390PDF: 784HTML: 131 -
Treatment of chronic pain associated with bruxism through Myofunctional therapy
Published: 29 June 20172263PDF: 1218HTML: 94 -
Measuring system and method of determining the Adaptive Force
Published: 20 July 20171471PDF: 666HTML: 174 -
The Vienna FES Interview Protocol – A mixed-methods protocol to elucidate the opinions of various individuals responsible for the provision of FES exercise
Published: 17 August 20171188PDF: 707HTML: 154 -
Effect of electrical stimulation on motor nerve regeneration in sciatic nerve ligated-mice
Published: 20 September 20171992PDF: 834HTML: 404
Case Reports
Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome due to DOK7 mutations in a family from Chile
Published: 20 September 20171659PDF: 1092HTML: 214