New indexes for myofibril linearity in muscle image analysis

Submitted: 13 July 2022
Accepted: 10 August 2022
Published: 4 October 2022
Abstract Views: 765
PDF: 306
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The endeavor to evaluate the linearity of myofibrillar structures and their potential deviation from a straight line is a fascinating problem in muscle tissue image analysis. In this Letter, we suggest two different strategies for solving the same challenge. The first strategy is based on an alignment index, which could be derived by comparing the sum of the lengths of the individual sarcomeres with the distance between the "head" of the first and the "tail" of the last sarcomere. The second strategy relies on circular statistics, which takes a cue from an already suggested method. Our proposed methods are alternatives: the former has the advantage of simplicity; the latter is certainly more elegant and gives greater substance to statistical analysis, but in contrast, it also has greater computational complexity.



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How to Cite

Rocchi, E., Peluso, S., Amatori, S., & Sisti, D. (2022). New indexes for myofibril linearity in muscle image analysis. European Journal of Translational Myology, 32(4).