Interface pressures and stiffnesses of different bandages studied on a Hiraï leg

Submitted: 28 December 2023
Accepted: 18 February 2024
Published: 21 February 2024
Abstract Views: 1293
PDF: 55
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Hirai et al. have developed a tool to assess the in vitro pressures of different compression devices. This tool has the advantage of being easy to use and finally inexpensive. The study of 7 bandages (Biflex 16, Urgo K2, Urgo K1, Coban 2, Biflex kit, Rosidal K and Rosidal Sys) on a Hirai leg allowed a precise analysis of the evolution of pressures and stiffnesses. Interface pressures were measured using the Picopress system and a 5 cm diameter probe. The difference between pre-stretch and stretch pressures in mmHg characterized stiffness. If the difference is greater than 10 mmHg, the bandage is considered stiff. These bandages were applied with a pressure of 45±2 mmHg at point B1. One hundred extension maneuvers were then performed. A decrease in mean pre-stretch pressures was noted more frequently for Rosidal K, Urgo K1 and Coban 2 than for the other bandages. Biflex 16 has a stiffness of less than 10 mmHg (p<0.001). Urgo K1, Urgo K2, Coban 2, Kit Biflex have very similar stiffnesses (p=ns). Rosidal K and Rosidal Sys have higher stiffness (p<0.001).



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How to Cite

Benigni, J.-P., Uhl, J.-F., Balet, F., & Filori, P. (2024). Interface pressures and stiffnesses of different bandages studied on a Hiraï leg. Veins and Lymphatics, 13.