A national survey of Italian emergency medicine residents: it's time to stay and play

Submitted: 16 May 2024
Accepted: 13 June 2024
Published: 18 June 2024
Abstract Views: 554
PDF: 462
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At the end of October 2023, CoSMEU (Italian Society of Emergency Medicine Residents) conducted an electronic survey among the Italian Emergency Medicine (EM) residents. Technical skills, lecture programs, research, and types of employment have been investigated. 421 (21.5.%) residents from all the 34 Italian EM schools responded. Great heterogeneity of training and the lack of opportunities in research about EM topics are reported. The importance of research in EM was recognized by half of those surveyed, but only one-third are actively engaged in the EM scientific community. While one-third of EM residents have accepted a job contract, nearly all of them are against contracts with Calabria Decree from the 2nd year of residency. The ideal workplace is a combination of in-hospital and pre-hospital settings, and almost all of the EM residents believe that the most frightening part of being an EM doctor is the hard-working condition.



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CoSMEU, Coordinamento Specializzandi in Medicina d’Emergenza-Urgenza. Available from: https://cosmeu.wordpress.com/cose-cosmeu/
Piazza I, Barcella B, D’Ercole A, et al. Emergency medicine residents in Italy: Data from a national survey. Emerg Care J 2022;18:10439. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4081/ecj.2022.10439
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CoSMEU group

CoSMEU group (Italian Society of Emergency Medicine Residents): Valentina Angeli, Monica Di Cristoforo, Egest Gradeci, Ennio Licheri, Gregorio Mello Teggia, Sofia Pons, Michele Ruscitto, Kim Russo.

How to Cite

Piazza, I., Barcella, B., Cascio, M., & group, C. (2024). A national survey of Italian emergency medicine residents: it’s time to stay and play. Emergency Care Journal, 20(2). https://doi.org/10.4081/ecj.2024.12671