The effectiveness of two different multimodal training modes on physical performance in elderly

Submitted: 13 January 2020
Accepted: 21 February 2020
Published: 1 April 2020
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The study compared the effect of 12-week multimodal training programme performed twice a week at the regular exercise facility (REF) with the 12-week multimodal training programme performed three times per week as a part of the research programme (EX). Additionally, the study analysed how the experimental training programme affect the physical performance of cognitive healthy and mild cognitive impaired elderly (MCI). The REF training group included 19 elderly (65.00±3.62 years). The experimental training programme combined cognitively healthy (EXH: n=16; 66.3±6.42 years) and age-matched individuals with MCI (EXMCI: n=14; 66.00±4.79 years). 10m maximal walking speed (10mMWS), Five Times Sit-to-Stand Test (FTSS), maximal and relative voluntary contraction (MVC and rel. MVC) were analysed. The REF group improved in 10mMWS (t=2.431, p=.026), the MVC (t=-3.528, p=.002) and relative MVC (t=3.553, p=.002). The EXH group improved in FTSS (t=5.210, P=.000), MVC (t=2.771, p=.018) and relative MVC (t=-3.793, p=.004). EXMCI improved in FTSS (t=2.936, p=.012) and MVC (t=-2.276, p=.040). According to results, both training programmes sufficiently improved walking speed and muscle strength in cognitively healthy elderly. Moreover, the experimental training programme improved muscle strength in MCI elderly.



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Supporting Agencies

European Regional Development Fund, Slovak Research and Development Agency, Comenius University

How to Cite

Oreská, Ľudmila, Slobodova, L., Vajda, M., Kaplánová, A., Tirpáková, V., Cvečka, J., Buzgó, G., Ukropec, J., Ukropcová, B., & Sedliak, M. (2020). The effectiveness of two different multimodal training modes on physical performance in elderly. European Journal of Translational Myology, 30(1), 88–97.