Trends in treatments for erectile dysfunction in Chile between 2010 and 2020 with special focus on penile prostheses

Submitted: December 17, 2021
Accepted: January 26, 2022
Published: March 29, 2022
Abstract Views: 780
PDF: 397
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Objectives: Evidence regarding demand trends for erectile dysfunction (ED) treatments are scarce in South America. This study aims to evaluate trends in ED treatments in Chile over a 10-year period (2010- 2020) and estimate the potential number of candidates for penile prosthesis.
Materials and methods: Sales trends of pharmacological treatments and penile prosthesis were obtained from market studies. The potential number of candidates for penile prosthesis implantation was calculated by crossing epidemiological data with previously reported ED prevalence, proportion of sexually active men, percentage of men seeking medical assistance for ED, and the proportion of patients who are non-responders to ED oral drug therapies
Results: In the 10-year studied period, the Chilean male population older than 50 years increased 34.7%, with an average annual variation (AAV) of 3.4%. For the same period, the sales of oral drug therapies for ED increased by 71.3% (AAV 6.2%), the sales of intracavernosal vasoactive agents (ICVA) decreased by 0.4% (AAV -0.2%), and penile prosthesis sales increased by 113% (AAV 6.7%). We estimated that only 0.05% of sexually active men older than 50 years old with ED who sought medical assistance finally had a penile prosthesis implanted to manage their condition.
Conclusions: Demand for ED oral drug therapies significantly increased in Chile during the last decade, while ICVA remained stable. The annual rate of penile prosthesis implantation increased. However, the gap between the potential penile prosthesis candidates and the actual number of devices implanted is suspected to remain extremely high.



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How to Cite

Marconi, M., Palma, C., Moreno, S., Flores, J. M., & Escobar-Urrejola, S. (2022). Trends in treatments for erectile dysfunction in Chile between 2010 and 2020 with special focus on penile prostheses. Archivio Italiano Di Urologia E Andrologia, 94(1), 65–69.