Clinical guidelines for traumatic brain injuries in children and boys

Submitted: 8 October 2019
Accepted: 30 October 2019
Published: 1 April 2020
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The main aim of management of pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI)  is to hold normal ranges for optimizing the most proper outcomes. However, for providing physiologic requirements of an injured brain it is very important to enhance the quality of recovery and minimize secondary injury. Within this study it is tried to regulate the most proper guidelines for management of pediatric TBI. A comprehensive research was conducted on some biomedical and pharmacological bibliographic database of life sciences such as PubMed, EMBASE, MEDLINE, LILACS database, global independent network of Cochrane, Science Direct and global health library of Global Index Medicus (GIM). By referencing these databases, a universal literature review was carried out through combining various recent studies in terms of pediatric traumatic brain injury, epidemiology, management and related clinical guidelines in accordance with various related articles published from 2000 to 2019 which could cover this area of recommendations.Based on the main objective of this study for providing a comprehensive review around available clinical practice guidelines for more precise management of TBI. These guidelines can be administered especially for pediatric population which possibly could improve the quality of clinical practice guidelines for TBI. The guidelines of TBI could be applied worldwide in various traditional demographic and geographic boundaries which could affect pediatric populations in various ranges of ages. Accordingly, advances in civil foundation and reforms of explicit health policy could decrease the pediatric TBI socioeconomic burdens.



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How to Cite

Derakhshanfar, H., Pourbakhtyaran, E., Rahimi, S., Sayyah, S., Soltantooyeh, Z., & Karbasian, F. (2020). Clinical guidelines for traumatic brain injuries in children and boys. European Journal of Translational Myology, 30(1), 159–170.