The development of transformational leadership model based on caring as an effort to increase nursing performance

Submitted: 12 September 2023
Accepted: 13 October 2023
Published: 6 November 2023
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Leadership plays a crucial role in formulating strategies to achieve an organization's mission, vision, and goals. It occupies a significant position in broader initiatives aimed at enhancing nurse performance. Implementing an unsuitable leadership style, as dictated by leaders to their employees, can adversely affect employee motivation, performance, and job satisfaction. The study aimed to develop a transformational leadership model based on the principle of caring to improve nurse performance. This study employed an explanatory design and involved 115 respondents selected through cluster sampling techniques. Data were collected using questionnaires that had undergone both validity and reliability testing. The study examined variables such as personal factors, organizational factors, staff factors, work factors, transformational and caring leadership, and nurse performance. For data analysis, partial least squares were utilized with a significance threshold set at t>1.96. The research findings indicate that personal factors exert a positive influence on both transformational leadership and caring (t=5.677). Organizational factors also positively impact transformational leadership and caring (t=4.474), and staff factors exhibit a positive influence on these leadership styles as well (t=4.157). However, work factors do not directly impact transformational leadership and caring (t=0.554). Notably, both transformational and caring leadership styles positively affect nurse performance (t=7.755). The development of a transformational leadership model based on caring is influenced by multiple factors, including personal, organizational, and staff factors. Implementing this leadership model can significantly improve nurses' performance, thereby leading to enhancements in the quality of health services provided in hospitals.



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How to Cite

Patarru’, F., & Purwanza, S. W. (2023). The development of transformational leadership model based on caring as an effort to increase nursing performance . Healthcare in Low-Resource Settings, 12(1).