Integration in nursing curriculum for building Islamic nurses' character in Indonesia: a descriptive qualitative approach

Submitted: 9 September 2023
Accepted: 18 October 2023
Published: 6 November 2023
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The integration of a curriculum that combines Islam and science has become a necessity and a demand in higher education, including nursing study programs in Indonesia. This study aimed to explore the perceptions of nursing school heads, lecturers, and students regarding the integration of character-building Islamic values into nursing education. The research design was a qualitative descriptive approach. The sample collected using a purposive sampling technique, focusing on lecturers and students involved in integration, resulting in a total of twenty-six participants. Data was collected by conducting online interviews, posing questions to individuals from five Islamic higher education nursing schools, including nursing school principals and lecturers. The research reveals six key themes: perception of the integration of Islam and science, its application, the sources of power in the integration, the barriers faced, the evaluation process, and potential solutions for achieving successful integration. It is essential to consistently monitor and evaluate the integration process through a comprehensive review of the curriculum, including semester learning plans at the beginning, during, and at the end of the study, in the form of outputs and outcomes. Furthermore, it is crucial to optimize collaboration between nursing lecturers and Islamic expert lecturers.



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How to Cite

Setiowati, D., Utomo, W. B., & Agustina, M. (2023). Integration in nursing curriculum for building Islamic nurses’ character in Indonesia: a descriptive qualitative approach. Healthcare in Low-Resource Settings, 11(2).