First evaluations of oxygen-ozone therapy in antibiotic-resistant infections

Submitted: 12 January 2016
Accepted: 24 February 2016
Published: 5 April 2016
Abstract Views: 5431
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Acquired antibiotic resistance represents one of the main restrictions to an effective antibacterial chemotherapy. The continuous growth of the phenomenon draws a therapeutical problem to eradicate infections. Ozone presents known properties, such as antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, immunomodulation, and reactivation of microcirculation. Oxygen-ozone therapy has no collateral effects, it is minimally invasive, it is not painful and it does not cause allergic or toxic reactions or drug-drug interactions. Therefore, oxygen-ozone therapy has proved to be useful to control and run out infections in patients with a noted antimicrobial resistant pathology. We are evaluating the best protocol to treat these pathologies, to obtain the most efficient therapeutical response.

Franzini, M., Valdenassi, L., & Ionita, G. (2016). First evaluations of oxygen-ozone therapy in antibiotic-resistant infections. Ozone Therapy, 1(1), 5–7.


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