Search Results
Found 103 items.
The valves and tributary veins of the saphenofemoral junction: ultrasound findings in normal limbs
3000PDF: 2418HTML: 1928 -
A phlebo-lymphology humanitarian trip to Matagalpa, Nicaragua
2634PDF: 944HTML: 1846 -
Termination of the great saphenous vein at variable levels
1339PDF: 200HTML: 187 -
A novel device for non-invasive cerebral perfusion assessment
2609PDF: 1199HTML: 1823 -
On the consistency of flow rate color Doppler assessment for the internal jugular vein
1973PDF: 1146HTML: 212 -
Cerebral venous drainage through internal jugular vein
4083PDF: 924HTML: 2763 -
The controversy on chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency
5619PDF: 1571HTML: 703 -
Terminal valve of sapheno-femoral junction: a comparative assessment between pre-operative color-duplex ultrasound and intra-operative evaluation
2121PDF: 1030Video: 160HTML: 1259 -
Urinary hemosiderin: role in evaluation of chronic venous insufficiency
1719PDF: 1141HTML: 291 -
Edmondo Malan
431PDF: 412HTML: 71 -
Venous compliance and clinical implications
4255PDF: 884HTML: 1118 -
The sapheno femoral junction involvement in the treatment of varicose veins disease
6682PDF: 780HTML: 6571 -
An inguinal hernia or a greater saphenous vein aneurysm? A case report
1642PDF: 381HTML: 433 -
Monitoring the cerebral venous drainage in space missions: the Drain Brain experiments of the Italian Space Agency
1220PDF: 167Video: 71HTML: 3 -
Conventional echo color Doppler versus ULA-OP in the assessment of venous flow model
1797PDF: 803HTML: 158 -
Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency in Ménière’s disease: diagnosis and treatment
3419PDF: 1338HTML: 764 -
Assessment of lower limbs edema in healthy workers who are exposed to long-term gravity
2072PDF: 1318HTML: 660 -
Endovascular treatment of sciatic pain from venous congestion in the pelvis
313PDF: 59HTML: 0 -
Ulcers in congenital anemia
1304PDF: 666HTML: 489 -
How to objectively assess jugular primary venous obstruction
6797PDF: 1206HTML: 1568 -
Spontaneous thrombosis of primary external jugular veins aneurysms
2594PDF: 1582HTML: 614 -
The troubled course of the CHIVA Cure through clinical studies: a critical review
999PDF: 95HTML: 17 -
Ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy using liquid sclerosant after preliminary saline flush
1129PDF: 884HTML: 328 -
Laser-assisted strategy for reflux abolition in a modified CHIVA approach
2196PDF: 1031HTML: 969 -
Surgical treatment of nutcracker syndrome
480PDF: 22 -
Venous anomalies as potentially lethal risk factors during ordinary catheterization
1374PDF: 1029HTML: 197 -
Short endovenous laser ablation of the great saphenous vein in a modified CHIVA strategy
1862PDF: 1650HTML: 769 -
An unusual cause of venous hypertension
759PDF: 147HTML: 380