Search Results
Found 425 items.
Challenges of sanitary compliance related to trade in products of animal origin in Southern Africa
1542PDF: 1126HTML: 587 -
Economic issues on food safety
3313PDF: 1485HTML: 348 -
The role of geographical indication in supporting food safety: a not taken for granted nexus
1777PDF: 869HTML: 456 -
Risk assessment in the recovery of food for social solidarity purposes: preliminary data
1294PDF: 934HTML: 126 -
Bread packaging techniques and trends
3192PDF: 814HTML: 840 -
Food safety in food services in Lombardy: proposal for an inspection-scoring model
1077PDF: 582HTML: 92 -
Microbiological challenge testing for Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat food: a practical approach
2926PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 1956HTML: 412 -
Genuine and natural: the opinion of teen consumers
1316PDF: 914HTML: 121 -
Cold chain and consumers’ practices: exploratory results of focus group interviews
1879PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 743HTML: 205 -
Consumers’ perception and knowledge of food safety: results of questionnaires accessible on IZSalimenTO website
2060PDF: 1012APPENDIX: 238HTML: 758 -
Bisphenol A in edible part of seafood
2663PDF: 1531HTML: 410 -
Detection of Arcobacter spp. in food products collected from Sicilia region: A preliminary study
1339PDF: 766HTML: 146 -
The use of ascorbic acid as a food additive: technical-legal issues
5911PDF: 2386HTML: 485 -
Official controls according to Integrated Regional Plan in Campania Region 2011/2014
921PDF: 684HTML: 60 -
The effect of nano-silver packaging in increasing the shelf life of nuts: An in vitro model
1765PDF: 889HTML: 152 -
Evaluation of hygiene and safety criteria in the production of a traditional Piedmont cheese
1761PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 1091HTML: 1215 -
Italian adaptation to Regulation (EU) 2017/625 on food official controls: a case study
Food labelling: a brief analysis of European Regulation 1169/2011
2229PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 1532HTML: 366 -
Salmonella enterica prevalence in finishing pigs at slaughter plants in Northern Italy
1381PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 671HTML: 125 -
Food allergens: state of the art in Piedmont region in the period 2011-2012
1391PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 698HTML: 223 -
Analysis of foreign matter in foodstuffs using the light filth test: report 2012-2013
3556PDF: 1494HTML: 1749 -
Microbiological safety of dry-aged meat: a critical review of data gaps and research needs to define process hygiene and safety criteria