Search Results
Found 161 items.
Hygiene and welfare evaluation of pigs slaughtered in agritourisms
1656PDF: 872HTML: 391 -
Evaluation of hygiene and safety criteria in the production of a traditional Piedmont cheese
1761PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 1091HTML: 1215 -
Shelf life evaluation of ricotta fresca sheep cheese in modified atmosphere packaging
1896PDF: 918HTML: 269 -
Salmonella prevalence and microbiological contamination of pig carcasses and slaughterhouse environment
1998PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 832HTML: 256 -
Shelf-life of sheep arrosticini packaged in protective atmosphere
1175PDF: 180HTML: 4 -
Isolation of Cronobacter spp. (Enterobacter sakazakii) from artisanal mozzarella
1977PDF: 1368HTML: 167 -
FLOQSwabTM: optimisation of procedures for the recovery of microbiological samples from surfaces
1378PDF: 776HTML: 225 -
Microbiological stability of canned tuna produced in Italy and in non-European countries
2532PDF: 1456HTML: 384 -
Staphylococcal food poisoning outbreaks occurred in Sicily (Italy) from 2009 to 2016
1762PDF: 171HTML: 62 -
Evolution of the microbiological profile of vacuum-packed ricotta salata cheese during shelf-life
2116PDF: 1097HTML: 359 -
Hygienic-sanitary evaluation of sushi and sashimi sold in Messina and Catania, Italy
2891PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 1380HTML: 251 -
Role of verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli in the swine production chain
1687PDF: 946HTML: 544 -
Monitoring of foodborne pathogens in raw cow milk in Tuscany
2210PDF: 687HTML: 149 -
Risk assessment in the recovery of food for social solidarity purposes: preliminary data
1294PDF: 934HTML: 126 -
Low prevalence of Salmonella enterica in cull dairy cattle at slaughter in Northern Italy
1453PDF: 681HTML: 183 -
High microbial loads found in minimally-processed sliced mushrooms from Italian market
1675PDF: 530HTML: 160 -
Dynamic of Campylobacter species contamination along a poultry slaughtering chain
2121PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 699HTML: 381 -
Microbiological and physico-chemical changes during manufacture of an Italian goat cheese made from raw milk
1742PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 717HTML: 206 -
Sheep milk yogurt from a short food supply chain: study of the microbiological, chemico-physical and organoleptic parameters in relation to shelf-life
1725PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 1315HTML: 255 -
Sensory and microbiological evaluation of traditional ovine ricotta cheese in modified atmosphere packaging
2371PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 1335HTML: 326 -
Preliminary study on Norovirus, hepatitis A virus, Escherichia coli and their potential seasonality in shellfish from different growing and harvesting areas in Sardinia region
2118PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 1039HTML: 278 -
Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in slaughtered pigs and pork products
1897PDF: 1119HTML: 403 -
Production of farmstead lactose-free Pecorino di Osilo and ricotta cheeses from sheep’s milk
1772PDF: 1180HTML: 187 -
Monitoring of bivalve mollusk harvesting areas: the relevance of Salmonella spp.
Antimicrobial activity of essential oils against Staphylococcus aureus in fresh sheep cheese
2039PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 1269HTML: 347