Search Results
Found 51 items.
Gossypol content of cotton free commercial feed for dairy cows
1337PDF: 989HTML: 348 -
Dissemination and persistence of Pseudomonas spp. in small-scale dairy farms
1679PDF: 775HTML: 87 -
Aflatoxin B1 risk management in Parmigiano Reggiano dairy cow feed
2034PDF: 1224HTML: 366 -
Distribution of Pseudomonas species in a dairy plant affected by occasional blue discoloration
2385PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 755HTML: 250 -
Case of contamination by Listeria monocytogenes in mozzarella cheese
2892PDF: 1136HTML: 199 -
Staphylococcal food poisoning outbreaks occurred in Sicily (Italy) from 2009 to 2016
1762PDF: 171HTML: 62 -
Shelf life evaluation of ricotta fresca sheep cheese in modified atmosphere packaging
1896PDF: 918HTML: 269 -
Evaluation of hygiene and safety criteria in the production of a traditional Piedmont cheese
1761PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 1091HTML: 1215 -
Production of farmstead lactose-free Pecorino di Osilo and ricotta cheeses from sheep’s milk
1772PDF: 1180HTML: 187 -
Anti-Listeria activity of lactic acid bacteria in two traditional Sicilian cheeses
2063PDF: 1635HTML: 384 -
Qualitative characteristics of sheep’s and goat’s milk in Albania
598PDF: 134HTML: 166 -
Isolation of Arcobacter butzleri in environmental and food samples collected in industrial and artisanal dairy plants
1665PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 1584Arcobacter butzleri in dairy plants: 0paper reviised: 0Type of article: 0 -
Comparative analysis of the microbiome composition of artisanal cheeses produced in the Mediterranean area
Evolution of the microbiological profile of vacuum-packed ricotta salata cheese during shelf-life
2116PDF: 1097HTML: 359 -
Detection of Arcobacter spp. in food products collected from Sicilia region: A preliminary study
1339PDF: 766HTML: 146 -
Microbiological challenge testing for Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat food: a practical approach
2926PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 1956HTML: 412 -
Screening of oxalate degrading lactic acid bacteria of food origin
1998PDF: 1030HTML: 308 -
Thermal inactivation and growth potential of Listeria monocytogenes in smoked tench
1128PDF: 644HTML: 414 -
Detection of Arcobacter spp. in Mytilus galloprovincialis samples collected from Apulia region
2311PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 1036HTML: 125 -
Evaluation of antifungal effect of gaseous ozone in a meat processing plant
1199PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 899HTML: 154 -
1153PDF: 3013 -
Hygienic-sanitary evaluation of sushi and sashimi sold in Messina and Catania, Italy
2891PDF - FULL TEXT IN ENG: 1380HTML: 251