Search Results
Found 183 items.
Relationship between nurses knowledge level and workload about implementation of patient identification
Published: 12 October 20231301PDF: 380HTML: 53 -
Embracing family presence: exploring the reasons for family decision-making dependence on in-hospital palliative care for cancer patients
Published: 1 March 2024415PDF: 125HTML: 2 -
Time frame guide for emergency model of care and patient satisfaction in emergency facilities
Published: 23 November 2023824PDF: 252HTML: 85 -
The relationship between clinical education and nursing students' patient safety competencies
Published: 22 January 2024633PDF: 238HTML: 7 -
Multidisciplinary nursing practice in a low-resource setting in Southeast Brazil
Published: 28 March 2024303PDF: 118HTML: 5 -
The essential care required by stroke survivors and families: an ethnography study
Published: 1 August 2024433PDF: 177HTML: 2 -
A descriptive study on nursing practice environment among public sector nurses in Lahore
Published: 24 January 20231611PDF: 500HTML: 43 -
Nurse caring with the Swanson Theory Approach and patient satisfaction in class 3 inpatient room
Published: 1 March 20241149PDF: 326HTML: 17 -
Nurses' experiences regarding nursing competence in the isolation wards during COVID-19 pandemic
Published: 18 January 2024558PDF: 191HTML: 17 -
Application of family nursing documentation in Tarakan City, Indonesia
Published: 7 May 2024354PDF: 136HTML: 3 -
Relationship between peer group support with foot care behavior among diabetes mellitus patients: an observational study
Published: 26 January 2024826PDF: 252HTML: 3 -
Spiritual services needed by the elderly in nursing homes
Published: 7 May 2024503PDF: 214HTML: 15 -
Enhancing mental well-being in coronary heart disease patients: the impact of integrated spiritual care and murottal auditory therapy on reducing anxiety and depression
Published: 8 August 2024658PDF: 261HTML: 4 -
Acute care for stunned myocardium after lightning strike is life-saving: need for public awareness programs
Published: 7 May 20131164PDF: 1759HTML: 325 -
Development of a spiritual-based palliative care model for the quality of life of people with HIV/AIDS
Published: 17 November 2023758PDF: 328HTML: 9 -
The impact of C-reactive protein testing on treatmentseeking behavior and patients’ attitudes toward their care in Myanmar and Thailand
Published: 7 July 20231346PDF: 369Supplementary Materials: 30HTML: 7 -
Perception of burnout syndrome among nurses providing nursing care in the emergency room at a hospital in Riau Province
Published: 7 March 2024933PDF: 384HTML: 4 -
The efficacy of implementing family-centered care in child feeding practices
Published: 29 March 20241180PDF: 248HTML: 4 -
Multivariate regression analysis of prime variables affecting ophthalmic patients’ satisfaction in a resource limited economy
Published: 6 February 2014999PDF: 921HTML: 609 -
Anaesthesia for acute abdomen in developing countries
Published: 22 August 20141107PDF: 751HTML: 841 -
Self-reported practices of sepsis and septic shock among health care providers working at intensive care units at tertiary hospitals in Jordan
Published: 30 August 2024612PDF: 200Supplementary materials: 0HTML: 1 -
Enhancing self-care in elderly patients: the impact of WhatsApp reminder messages at the Heart and Vascular Center
Published: 16 July 2024287PDF: 98HTML: 2 -
The journey of Indonesian nurse migration: a scoping review
Published: 7 November 20231177PDF: 499Supplementary Materials: 29HTML: 96 -
Exploring healthcare system adaptive techniques and challenges in caring for people living with HIV and AIDS during the COVID-19 lockdown period in Harare, Zimbabwe
Published: 7 August 20231280PDF: 322HTML: 5 -
The effect of coping intervention on maternal competency in caring for premature infants at home
Published: 23 November 2023719PDF: 319HTML: 10 -
The prevalence and management of obstetric fistula among women of reproductive age in a low-resource setting
Published: 19 October 2023749PDF: 201HTML: 50 -
Comparison of the effect of interactive and non-interactive education on the self-efficacy of COVID-19 patients
Published: 7 December 2023987PDF: 315HTML: 202 -
The relationship between mental workload and nurse stress levels in hospitals
Published: 14 December 20232228PDF: 558HTML: 12 -
The effect of murottal auditory therapy on anxiety and comfort levels in patients with cardiovascular disease
Published: 30 November 20231004PDF: 440HTML: 9 -
Comparison of the effect of patient-centred and family-centred education through smartphones on the quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes: A quasi-experimental study
Published: 8 March 2024417PDF: 142HTML: 3 -
Maggot therapy could provide affordable and efficacious wound care in Lebanon and other low- and middle-income countries
Published: 25 May 20232012PDF: 455HTML: 146 -
Hospital brand image and trust leading towards patient satisfaction: medical tourists’ behavioural intention in Malaysia
Published: 19 February 2024872PDF: 378HTML: 8 -
Maternal and neonatal referral system in rural North Lampung: a qualitative study of referral system readiness
Published: 4 September 2024808PDF: 276HTML: 0 -
Cost of treatment as a barrier to access and continuity of healthcare for patients with mental ill-health in Lagos, Nigeria
Published: 13 March 20132156PDF: 2059HTML: 931 -
The influence of parenting classes on maternal self-efficacy in caring for the baby
Published: 16 February 2024907PDF: 346HTML: 229 -
A systematic review of efficacy on larva debridement in diabetic foot ulcers
Published: 26 January 2024981PDF: 366HTML: 12 -
Did capitation payment reform make a difference in Chinese rural primary health care?
Published: 24 February 20141620PDF: 1108HTML: 423Title page: 0Cover letter: 0 -
Integration in nursing curriculum for building Islamic nurses' character in Indonesia: a descriptive qualitative approach
Published: 6 November 2023536PDF: 285HTML: 50 -
Exploring the primary health facility availability, health control, drug consumption, and healthy living behavior among patients with hypertension
Published: 11 January 2024813PDF: 236HTML: 7 -
Fear of COVID-19 among critical care nurses of public hospitals in Lahore: empirical evidence during third wave
Published: 18 May 20231624PDF: 370HTML: 26 -
Analysis of human resources needs in the outpatient registration unit using the Analisis Beban Kerja Kesehatan (ABK Kes) method
Published: 21 March 2024320PDF: 148HTML: 17 -
Enhancing maternal role achievement and breastfeeding success through health belief model intervention
Published: 11 January 2024858PDF: 365HTML: 22 -
Improving flipped classroom learning for patients with diabetes mellitus: an exploration into the influence of educational factors
Published: 17 April 2024857PDF: 132HTML: 1 -
Evidence from systematic reviews on policy approaches to improving access to medicines
Published: 19 July 20231316PDF: 578HTML: 48 -
Improving healthcare value: integrating medical practitioners into hospital design in developing countries
Published: 8 June 2023786PDF: 312HTML: 44 -
Determinants of maternal near-miss among women admitted to public hospitals in the Hadiya zone, central Ethiopia: a case-control study
Published: 4 June 2024315PDF: 160HTML: 5 -
Using electronic health record data for chronic disease surveillance in low- and middle-income countries: the example of hypertension in rural Guatemala
Published: 31 July 2024916PDF: 187HTML: 5 -
Socioeconomic disparities in children's posture defects: a comparison between private and public educational institutions
Published: 22 August 2024699PDF: 287HTML: 0 -
Factors related to nurse compliance in monitoring infusion fluid in hospital
Published: 19 March 2024609PDF: 205HTML: 3