Search Results
Found 232 items.
Social media utilization and knowledge levels in exclusive breastfeeding among mothers in Indonesia
Published: 22 December 2023633PDF: 211HTML: 12 -
Development of a user-friendly mobile app for eclampsia prevention targeting preeclampsia mothers and spouses
Published: 30 November 2023467PDF: 185HTML: 46 -
Usefulness of antenatal care handbook: a cross-sectional study of mothers' perspectives
Published: 24 November 2023624PDF: 171HTML: 11 -
The essential care required by stroke survivors and families: an ethnography study
Published: 1 August 2024415PDF: 164HTML: 2 -
Effect of E-Duva application on knowledge and attitude of visual inspection using acetic acid (VIA) among women of childbearing age
Published: 14 November 2023438PDF: 212HTML: 6 -
Enhancing scabies knowledge among Indonesian boarding school students through a Wayang video
Published: 22 April 2024398PDF: 147HTML: 2 -
Factors associated with anxiety and depressive symptoms among Indonesian adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study
Published: 14 December 2023741PDF: 248HTML: 7 -
Comparison of the effect of interactive and non-interactive education on the self-efficacy of COVID-19 patients
Published: 7 December 2023961PDF: 302HTML: 202 -
Awareness and reporting of notifiable diseases among private laboratory scientists in Lagos, Southwest Nigeria
Published: 24 August 20182920PDF: 783HTML: 532 -
Effect of peer education on improving parental knowledge about nutrition in children
Published: 9 September 2024229PDF: 75HTML: 3 -
Increasing young women's knowledge of early marriage issues through audiovisual media intervention
Published: 10 November 2023748PDF: 287HTML: 29 -
The relationship between knowledge and social support with sexual behavior in adolescents
Published: 16 October 2023682PDF: 241HTML: 23 -
Incremental detection of pulmonary tuberculosis among presumptive patients by GeneXpert MTB/RIF® over fluorescent microscopy in Mwanza, Tanzania: an operational study
Published: 26 June 20151617PDF: 778HTML: 880 -
Exploring healthcare system adaptive techniques and challenges in caring for people living with HIV and AIDS during the COVID-19 lockdown period in Harare, Zimbabwe
Published: 7 August 20231273PDF: 319HTML: 4 -
Android-based Kasih Ibu application for postpartum mothers using the research and development method
Published: 21 May 2024208PDF: 152HTML: 4 -
Efficiency of social sector expenditure in India: a case of health and education in selected Indian states
Published: 31 July 20142479PDF: 1276APPENDIX: 865HTML: 1451 -
Epidemiologic and clinical characteristics and outcomes of burn patients in Kurdistan Region: a one-decade large retrospective cross-sectional study
Published: 8 February 2024807PDF: 222HTML: 7 -
Booklet preventing stunting based Android application (Bocesting) as a tool to enhance maternal nutritional behaviour and nutritional status
Published: 30 November 2023602PDF: 266HTML: 2 -
The effectiveness of HIV/AIDS education models for adolescents with speech disabilities
Published: 3 July 2024511PDF: 203HTML: 1 -
Application of family nursing documentation in Tarakan City, Indonesia
Published: 7 May 2024329PDF: 134HTML: 3 -
Integration in nursing curriculum for building Islamic nurses' character in Indonesia: a descriptive qualitative approach
Published: 6 November 2023524PDF: 283HTML: 50 -
Embracing family presence: exploring the reasons for family decision-making dependence on in-hospital palliative care for cancer patients
Published: 1 March 2024391PDF: 112HTML: 0 -
Exploring maternal perspectives on addressing domestic violence in pregnant adolescents
Published: 22 December 2023808PDF: 218HTML: 1 -
Effectiveness of the SETIA (Self Empowering Woman, Empathy, Trust, Intimate and Affection) program in enhancing exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia
Published: 3 July 2024259PDF: 106HTML: 1 -
Relationship between peer conformity and reproductive health maintenance behaviours among early adolescent girls in Islamic boarding schools
Published: 16 July 2024222PDF: 74HTML: 1 -
Knowledge, attitude and practice of contraceptive use among female students of Dilla secondary and preparatory school, Dilla town, South Ethiopia, 2014
Published: 30 May 20167193PDF: 2041HTML: 6468 -
Self-consciousness of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients
Published: 25 July 2024792PDF: 175HTML: 1 -
Relationship between peer group support with foot care behavior among diabetes mellitus patients: an observational study
Published: 26 January 2024800PDF: 244HTML: 3 -
Examining the relationship between health literacy and quality of life in patients with coronary heart disease: a quantitative study at a cardiology clinic
Published: 3 July 2024490PDF: 193HTML: 1 -
Multidisciplinary nursing practice in a low-resource setting in Southeast Brazil
Published: 28 March 2024287PDF: 116HTML: 5 -
The impact of structured education on knowledge and self-efficacy in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients
Published: 2 February 2024695PDF: 259HTML: 45 -
Health information use and the associated factors among public health facilities of the Sidama Zone, southern Ethiopia: a facility-based cross-sectional study
Published: 5 September 2024873PDF: 257 -
Impact of gibberellin-regulated protein allergy on quality of life
Published: 27 May 20241002PDF: 12HTML: 0 -
Relationship between nurses knowledge level and workload about implementation of patient identification
Published: 12 October 20231274PDF: 375HTML: 48 -
The success of empowering cadres in the prevention of acute hepatitis among children in agronursing areas
Published: 16 February 2024226PDF: 144HTML: 1 -
The effect of family empowerment through education and mentoring on increasing knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding
Published: 16 November 2023588PDF: 262HTML: 53 -
Sex differences in long-term outcomes of patients with percutaneous coronary intervention: the Armenian experience
Published: 24 September 20131611PDF: 1251HTML: 237 -
Determinants of maternal near-miss among women admitted to public hospitals in the Hadiya zone, central Ethiopia: a case-control study
Published: 4 June 2024300PDF: 156HTML: 5 -
The impact of the Le-Diabet application on self-efficacy and blood glucose levels in diabetes mellitus patients
Published: 1 July 2024310PDF: 112HTML: 0 -
Factors affecting immunization coverage in urban slums of Odisha, India: implications on urban health policy
Published: 9 October 20135911PDF: 1996HTML: 3377 -
Family factors associated with immunization uptake in children aged between twelve and fifty-nine months: a household survey in Kakamega Central district, Western Kenya
Published: 30 May 20163202PDF: 964HTML: 2168 -
Hospital brand image and trust leading towards patient satisfaction: medical tourists’ behavioural intention in Malaysia
Published: 19 February 2024831PDF: 362HTML: 8 -
Roles and challenges of health cadres in handling stunting: a qualitative study
Published: 9 September 2024352PDF: 90HTML: 1 -
Improving flipped classroom learning for patients with diabetes mellitus: an exploration into the influence of educational factors
Published: 17 April 2024838PDF: 126HTML: 1 -
The effect of five activities daily living on improving cognitive function in ischemic stroke patients
Published: 10 October 2023736PDF: 373HTML: 131 -
The effect of mindful eating on dietary behaviour and fasting blood glucose in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients
Published: 23 February 2024748PDF: 293HTML: 0 -
Nurse caring with the Swanson Theory Approach and patient satisfaction in class 3 inpatient room
Published: 1 March 20241067PDF: 316HTML: 8 -
The self-management model can increase the immunity of people with HIV and AIDS during the COVID-19 pandemic
Published: 8 February 2024313PDF: 206HTML: 4 -
The evaluation of drug management (selection, procurement, and lead time of drug order) in hospital during COVID-19 in Indonesia
Published: 1 March 2024538PDF: 177HTML: 3