Search Results
Found 82 items.
History of international connections of myology in Europe
1165PDF: 213HTML: 6 -
Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome due to DOK7 mutations in a family from Chile
1687PDF: 1100HTML: 214 -
Neuromuscular disorder as initial manifestation of secondary hyperparathyroidism – a case report
1309PDF: 665HTML: 342 -
Prevalence of muscular dystrophy in patients with muscular disorders in Tehran, Iran
1186PDF: 614HTML: 167 -
COVID-19 management in Iran and international sanctions
10441PDF: 9101HTML: 27 -
Old muscle in young body: an aphorism describing the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
1800PDF: 691HTML: 427 -
Effect of physical activity on long COVID fatigue: an unsolved enigma
1313PDF: 452HTML: 40 -
The contribution of neuromuscular stimulation in elucidating muscle plasticity revisited
2745PDF: 1293HTML: 311 -
FES in Europe and beyond: Current Translational Research
1464PDF: 854HTML: 401 -
Assessing muscle architecture with ultrasound: implications for spasticity
929PDF: 453Supplementary materials: 21HTML: 5 -
Effect of electrical stimulation on motor nerve regeneration in sciatic nerve ligated-mice
2020PDF: 839HTML: 410 -
EJTM3 is also covering Mobility and Medicine at large, an update
869PDF: 402HTML: 48 -
Effect of cellular therapy in progression of Becker’s muscular dystrophy: a case study
1602PDF: 888HTML: 788