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Found 9 items.
Next generation sequencing reveals distinct fecal pollution signatures in aquatic sediments across gradients of anthropogenic influence
Published: 25 November 20162544PDF: 788HTML: 709 -
Phytoplankton community as monitoring tool in the terminal stretch of a micro-tidal estuary facing the Tyrrhenian Sea
Published: 3 August 20232201PDF: 446SUPPLEMENTARY PDF: 33HTML: 22 -
Monitoring a newly re-born patient: water quality and cyanotoxin occurrence in a reconstructed shallow Mediterranean lake
Published: 3 May 20172793PDF: 1156Supplementary: 422HTML: 362 -
Spatial distribution of microphytobenthos, meiofauna and macrofauna in the north-western Adriatic Sea: a synoptic study
Published: 18 December 20152546PDF: 848Supplementary: 489HTML: 821 -
Combining sediment Cladocera remains and geochemistry to reveal the role of a large catchment in driving changes in a small subalpine lake (Lake Ledro, N-Italy)
Published: 27 December 20161265PDF: 588Supplementary: 223HTML: 757 -
The use of benthic metabolic processes as indicators for environmental quality assessment in coastal lagoons
Published: 20 November 2013926HTML: 159 -
Geographical, environmental, and biotic constraints define the spatial distribution of Diaphanosoma species (Cladocera)
Published: 19 May 20233377PDF: 601SUPPLEMENTARY PDF: 37HTML: 30 -
Implementation of the EU ecological flow policy in Italy with a focus on Sardinia
Published: 9 June 20201930PDF: 860HTML: 86 -
Toxic cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in European waters – recent progress achieved through the CYANOCOST Action and challenges for further research
Published: 3 May 20174698PDF: 1960HTML: 1193
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